
A serialized (enumerable) data onbject type that hosts lists of scalar or enumerable objects. Sometimes capitalized along with other data object types.
A programmatic markup language for structuring _and_ formatting all kinds of technical writing for conversion to various rich-text and other formats.
flat files
Files containing only ASCII or UTF-8 text.
inline semantics
Stylized text or inserted icons meant to tag specific content with a purpose or kind.
lightweight markup
Tag-free plaintext syntax formats like AsciiDoc, Markdown, reStructuredText, lwDITA, and most Wiki markups; often an abstraction of an XML-tagged format (DocBook, HTML, DITA).
A lightweight markup that shorthands a limited number of non-semantic HTML elements, which many find to be adequate for technical documentation.
Plaintext syntax intended to designate text with formatting, semantic, or functional intent, to be parsed into rich-text or other more-complex output.
data object
An instance of any data type. A string is a data object of the String data type.
data type
A classification of data objects based on form.
open block (AsciiDoc)
A non-semantic container element that can be assigned block options and contain other block elements (except other open blocks).
A simple, non-enumerable data type such as String, Number, or Boolean.
The process of embedding code from another file into the current file for processing. Known as "`transclusion`" in some languages, invoked in AsciiDoc using the `include::[]` macro and in Liquid using the `{% include %}` tag.
Versioning is the division of a subject according to how it is